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/ LAUNCH 34 / LAUNCH 34.iso / pc / MEDIAD / MEDIA16 / ADFNF1_3.JPG < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1999-10-05  |  116KB  |  640x480  |  16-bit (20,100 colors)
Labels: book | bulletin board | daily | earth | monitor | newspaper | person | rotogravure | sky
OCR: sing, she said in an inter view feel like. when you're first love feel chills, prttd feelings slip- ping all over my body It's supreme emotional and physical experience That coming from someone ex pert in supreme experiences the fall of the same year the band released the self FINLANDIA titled Big Brother The Holding Company on the VODKA Mainstream label Though the band members were thrilled to be "recording he perceived as the band's to go solo and artists, the contract they in August of 1968 Big flaws Simon created "Tive out and that's exactly what signed proved owner fatefully Bob cone Brother se Cheap released Thrills thei Now duction audience and feel with applause an loops intro- she outside pressure Succumbing and to both her unfair Label Shad had only given the iaput the auspices m ...